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One Direction.

7 Sep

I appreciate talent but without the image they’d be nothing. 

Looking through the eyes of a teenage girl.

7 Sep

My eyes are young and inexperienced so if my judgement is adolescent, forgive me. When I look through my eyes I’m not just looking through the eyes of a teenage girl I’m also looking through my glasses. 


7 Sep

Every now and then I have a moment when I realise something about my life. The most popular is when I see Taylor Swift or One direction on stage doing what they love, that moment I know that I was born for more and that is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

My life.

7 Sep

When you realise that your not a child any more and you have responsibilities and commitments is when I realised my life was going to be hell.

Fashion Inspiration.

6 Sep

I must admit I have watched a wide variety of television series in my 14 years of existence but, I have truly never seen a better stylist than the hit MTV series ‘Pretty Little Liars’ costume designer. The outfits are simply quirky but,original and the accessories added are to a very high standard. My approval to the designer.

My age can be misinterpreted profusely.

6 Sep

Being in year 10 (aka Freshman) seems completely serial due to the fact it feels like yesterday I was going into my first year of ‘big school’ ……. Although my current age of 14 going on 15 ,my mother did not portray that to standards because of the polka dot lunch box and labelled water bottle with an elephant on it that I arrived with this morning. Through the 3 years I have been in the ‘not so big ,big school’ the only bonus is that  my peers and I  have managed to travel the circumference of school my chapel.

The awkward moment…

6 Sep

The awkward moment when you can’t wait for the new episode of awkward to air but, then realise that there is no new episode this week ….. your title was definitely dignified then ‘awkward’.

this is weird.

6 Sep

Its 6:50 and I’m still in bed because no one has come to wake me …… so I can do 2 things take advantage of it and get some extra sleep or investigate……..what’s it to be?

Its Questionable.

5 Sep

Should I spend my time fussing about my appearance? Admiring and tweeting celebrities when the probability of them tweeting you back is likely to be below zero. I ask myself this and then I try to calculate the amount of time I have probably had my face in front of a screen this summer and I’m realising that I have always wanted more but is there more to life realisticly…should I continue to dream about things that have a 1 in a millon chance of taking place?


5 Sep

The easiest way to put this is ………. I’m a magnet! I find something or someone I like ……become totally obsessed …… the magnetic force becomes weak …..find something or someone else and the process continues. This world is full of too many amazing things so that most of my brain compaction and my thoughts aren’t taken up by educational information but jam-packed to the brim with TV nonsense and showbiz.